Signified by a spectacular fireworks and light display on what is said to be the world’s most beautiful waterway ‘Sydney Harbour’. More than just a traditional, cultural, religious and celebratory event held throughout the world. New Years Eve is the THE industries dream. More money can be made on this one night than any other night in the year. Why? Because the effects of just one celebration witnessed along the shorelines by more than 1 million people can be felt for months. Tourists swarm on Sydney from around the world and they don’t just all line the foreshores. There are so many more events that make up New Years Eve that benefit so many industries.
While the fireworks display is an integral part of the entire evening. Very little is known of the fact that the 9pm fireworks actually form part of the traditional indigenous ‘Smoking Ceremony’ and ‘Acknowledgement of Country’. The ceremony starts at 8pm with white smoke being fired from barges located at significant points in the harbour. This is done to ward off any bad spirits that maybe in the harbour. Traditionally this indigenous ceremony is performed at the start of special occasions. Red Fallen Angels are then fired later and a line of red flares are fired from the Sydney Harbour Bridge marking the ‘Acknowledgement of Country’. Acknowledging the traditional indigenous cultures that owned the land before settlement. Both of these form integral parts of the celebration.
Of course there is the government organised events like the Lord Mayors Picnic held in Sydney’s Botanical gardens. A charity event attended by over 2000 children and their families catered for by the volunteers from the Guides and Rovers. With good and services provided by many different sources within the HTE industries and their supply chains creating millions of dollars in revenue.
Then there is the Lord Mayors party held in the special viewing area set up at Dawes Point, a separate invitation only event again catered for by the best suppliers in the business. With tourists coming from all around the world, supplying to this event is worth millions in revenue after the event is over. The publicity alone from being associated with the event is a ticket to further business in the future.
The fireworks spectacular is an event the New South Wales Government and City of Sydney Council are very proud of. The entire production is overseen by a team of creative talents to make the event special. While these events are organised by the government they are still important to the HTE industry because there services are utilised in ensuring the events are a success. Recognition and revenue for the industry is high.
The Opera House has a special event held and catered for in house but still the benefits are felt throughout the industry not just from the suppliers to the event itself, but the hotels and their suppliers providing the accommodation and food and beverages to guests and tourists in town for the celebration. Extra staff has to be employed to cater with the sheer influx of people and higher demand. Transport services are needed and they feel the increased benefits of the night financially. Retailers also benefit from the increased number of tourists and the money they spend. Exact financial figures change every year but the event is still one of the biggest money earners for so many industries within Australia, as celebrations take place unanimously throughout the country.
Probably one of the most popular things for tourists and residents of the city itself to do is take a cruise on the magnificent harbour right underneath the fireworks. With every cruise company taking all of their boats out and always at full capacity offering packages of varying lengths all including food, beverages and entertainment as well as spectacular views of those magnificent fireworks. But like most things these are booked months in advance so it is easy for hosts to cater and provide for guests when they have a good idea how many people and how much they will need before the event takes place. Careful preparation and good supply chains must work to their full and best capacity.
Accomodation is booked months in advance with most Harbourside hotels offering special packages to guests wanting to see the fireworks. The guests are enticed with meal packages, tickets to the many theatre and stage shows premiering that night as well as local entertainment venues and the many smaller events held by other hospitality establishments throughout the city.
And what about the hundreds of smaller pubs and eateries scattered throughout the City and around the harbour, and the benefits from the increase in business for them on the night. With nearly every establishment along the George Street strip as its affectionately called by the locals, packed to full capacity and almost all of them providing some form of entertainment themselves. Thousands of revellers wanting food and beverages, and transport around the city. The benefits to their supplies as they increase the amount of supplies they intake leading up to the night.
What about the small food and beverage stalls along the streets. With a stand placed literally metres apart again all bustling with customers wanting to purchase food and beverages. And what about the thousands of small ‘roving’ enterprises, making thousands from revellers purchasing glow sticks and flashing rings. Any novelty item they can find to celebrate the occasion.
Then with an event like the Sydney New Years Eve fireworks display there is always a need to televise the event around the world. The effect of this on the HTE industry is enormous. In Australia alone the viewing numbers are in the millions with millions of people holding their own small events in homes and community venues throughout the country. All of these events have a huge impact on tourism industry because of the sheer influx of people arriving into the country to celebrate what is known as the ‘holiday season’ and ‘New Years Eve’ alone. The need to accommodate the huge number of people and their need for food and beverages and catering to their wants and desires, is a boost to the industry and one that is planned for sometimes years in advance. Benefits flow on to the transport and retail industries because of the human need for entertainment and shopping.
The HTE industry will continue to benefit from New Years Eve celebrations for years to come as the famous’ Aussie spirit’ to celebrate is spread throughout the world. Australia has always been recognised for its hospitality!
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